Stress...nowadays , the word itself is stressed a lot! Finding the right method to de-stress has become a stressful exercise... We played multiple demanding roles in our life and come across stressful times very often. But being a creative person , my art and my passion comes to the rescue. And you know what, it never fails to rejuvenate me!
Sometimes, the solution to the problem just won't occur to our mind, yet our thoughts are sprinting at a 100 km/hr, and you feel like your brain is going to explode. To find solace, what one could do is try some ' ART THERAPY'. Art therapy is "a form of expressive therapy that uses the creative process of making art to improve your physical, mental and emotional well being ". It's recognized as the most creative and effective form of distressing. Simple solutions usually work best for most complicated problems or situations.
At its most basic, the only preparation you need to carry out for this is to grab a pencil and a sheet of paper. Then, just start drawing. It doesn't even matter what you draw. You don't need to be talented or an artist to receive the benefits. Within a certain amount of time, your thoughts will become more harmonious and you will calm down!!
Sharing with you, some of the mantras of Art Therapy... I will be happy to be part of a solution when you badly need one !!!
To help you get started , here's what to do if you're feeling...
* Tired : Draw flowers
* Angry : Draw lines
* Bored : Colour in a sheet of paper in various colours ( now a days you can get an adult colouring book from any craft store to get relaxed )
* Anxious: Engage in origami
* Nostalgic : Draw a maze.
* Confused : draw an Indian mandala
* That you need to restore your strength : make a landscape painting
* That you need to remember this moment : Draw some coloured patterns
* That you need to put your thoughts in order : Draw honeycombs or squares
* That you can't stuck in a rut : Draw spirals.
* That you need to make sense of your most important goal : Draw target symbol.
The list is ever expanding and the solutions are limitless...But here I stop for you to try them on and have a first hand experience!!! See in the eyes of the stress and say "Dear stress...Good Bye"!!!