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Walk A Mile In My Shoes

Ever since I was a child, I had been an introvert. Well, that's a thing of the past now. In the present, I doubt if you can find anyone as talkative as me!!! Something during my years as a medical student changed me. I cannot point to what exactly was the event that made me turn around. I would rather say it might have been a series of experiences.

I was brought up in a very protected environment till my 12th Standard. Most of the household work was done by my mother and I was seldom expected to help her out. We led very pampered lives all through, till one fine day it was decided that I am to move to another city for my further studies. 

I was panic-stricken....what would I do?? How would I manage everything all alone. I wasn't even used to folding my clothes on my own, leave alone washing them myself. Cooking was a distant dream....all I could do was boil water(even that, I was doubtful of doing without any disaster happening). 

I clearly remember the first day that I entered the small hostel room. It was scary.....all I felt like doing was turn around and run into the cozy arms of my mom, who had come to drop me. But then, she knew that I had to be on my own now. So after hurriedly setting my luggage in place, she bade goodbye. Tears started flowing down my cheeks.....I was no more in my comfort zone.

Thereafter, every small step felt like an obstacle. But somehow, destiny had good things in store for me. I was blessed with very caring & cooperative roommates. Slowly, but steadily I learned how to do daily chores. Cleaning my room, arranging my stuff neatly, washing clothes, cooking simple meals....all happened in due course. Most importantly, I learned how to manage my finances, how to speak up for myself. Finally, I had a done it......I WAS INDEPENDENT!!! 

It was a pleasant surprise for my parents when I returned home for my first vacation. It wasn't a very harrowing experience, but I am sure every person who leaves home for the first time, away from all the doting attention of parents, will relate to this.

So now, every time someone shares their worries about how their child will cope with hostel life, I say "Don't worry, they will do just fine!!" 

"It must have been easy for an extrovert like you" they retort..... to which I think in my mind "WALK A MILE IN MY SHOES!!!"

                                    ------ MocktailMommy Prasanna

 ‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ 


  1. WOW... that was a great transformation! Your chronicling of this mile is so lucid, that I felt I was walking side by side besides you all those days!
    - Anagha From Team MocktailMommies

  2. Fabulous write-up ! Felt like I was almost reading my own story.

    1. Thank you so much Sudha!! Leaving the pampered environment and learning to fend for ourselves is one of the most important things hostel life teaches us.

  3. Necessity and circumstances change everyone and only you can know the blisters you had to deal with!Very relevant post!
